Vaccine Waitlist

Going the last mile in the US

We've made a handy search tool to find vaccine rewards near you, including an Uber credit so you can ride to your vaccine appointment in safety and style!
You got your shot, now treat yourself! Across the country, various attractions and businesses are offering discounts and freebies to those with proof of vaccination.


You got your shot, now treat yourself!

Across the country, various attractions and businesses are offering discounts and freebies to those with proof of vaccination. With so many different perks popping up in different locations, we decided to make it easier to find your favorite.

Dr. B has launched a resource that lists COVID-19 vaccination perks by state. It’s our way of saying thanks for doing your part by getting vaccinated.

Offers include coupons, discounts, vouchers, sweepstakes entries and more — click through to see what your state has on offer!

Why are we doing this?

Our mission is reaching herd immunity so that we can continue resuming normal activities — safely. While 170 million Americans have already received at least one dose of the vaccine, the rate of new vaccination rates has declined over the past few weeks. Our best chance at meeting our goal is to keep encouraging unvaccinated people to get their shots.

What else are we doing to help?

We understand that not getting a vaccine isn’t always a choice, as there are logistical hurdles that make it impossible for some people to get an appointment or to make a standby list appointment on time.

That’s why we’re partnering with Uber to offer $60 round trip to every Dr. B patient who is traveling to and from their vaccine appointment. We want to make it as easy as possible for you and your loved ones to snag a shot.

We are also working closely with community organizations to conduct outreach and educational activities in communities around the country with low vaccination rates.

What can you do?

Spread the word! If you know anyone who still hasn’t gotten their vaccine, you can talk to them about any hesitancy they may be feeling (we have some helpful tips here!) or help them sign up for Dr. B here.

Thank you for joining the fight against COVID-19.


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