Effective prescription impetigo treatment from the comfort of home

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  • Icon of checkmark$15 consult–no membership required
  • Icon of clockMedical review within 3 hours

Blisters caused by impetigo can be itchy and uncomfortable. Let Dr. B help you stop scratching with prescription treatments that help soothe symptoms. Get started today with a hassle-free online health assessment.

Woman looking closely at her lip in the mirror, which she is touching with her finger

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Young black man on phone, with a computer open in front of him, and touching his lip in thought

How Dr. B treats impetigo

Health assessment

Tell us about your condition with a $15 online consultation—no video call necessary.

Provider review

A medical provider will review your information and prescribe treatment, if appropriate.

Get your medication

Pick up and pay for the medication at the pharmacy of your choice. Or, get it delivered.

How much will it cost?

Dr. B offers online consultations for $15—which is less than most copays. If an impetigo prescription is appropriate, your out-of-pocket medication cost will depend on your insurance and where you decide to get your prescription filled. Dr. B offers a discount card when applicable to help get you the lowest prices for your medications.

* Prices shown for Mupirocin 2 % Topical Ointment (22 gram tube), a popular treatment for impetigo, using a drug discount card. Prices may be lower with insurance.

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Impetigo treatments at Dr. B

Dr. B offers several treatments for impetigo. We’ve highlighted a few of our most popular and affordable options below, but you can choose other brand and generic medications if desired.


Antibiotic Mupirocin ointment kills the bacteria that cause impetigo and other skin infections. You should see improvements within a few days of starting treatment. But finish the entire mupirocin ointment prescription to prevent the infection from coming back.

Prescription length:

10 days, 1 refill


Apply to the affected area 3 times a day

Medication prices start at
Costco Wholesale logo
at Costco, with a drug discount card. (No Costco membership required)


Altabax is an antibacterial ointment for impetigo and other skin infections. It may be more expensive than other prescription treatments. But you only apply it 2 times a day for 5 days, which may make the convenience worth the cost.

Prescription length:

5 days, 1 refill


Apply to the affected area 2 times a day

Medication prices start at
Costco Wholesale logo
at Costco, with a drug discount card. (No Costco membership required)


Retapamulin is the generic name for Altabax—a prescription antibiotic ointment used to treat impetigo and other skin infections.

Prescription length:

5 days, 1 refill


Apply to the affected area 2 times a day

Check your pharmacy for prices.


Antibiotic Mupirocin ointment kills the bacteria that cause impetigo and other skin infections. You should see improvements within a few days of starting treatment. But finish the entire mupirocin ointment prescription to prevent the infection from coming back.


Altabax is an antibacterial ointment for impetigo and other skin infections. It may be more expensive than other prescription treatments. But you only apply it 2 times a day for 5 days, which may make the convenience worth the cost.


Retapamulin is the generic name for Altabax—a prescription antibiotic ointment used to treat impetigo and other skin infections.

Prescription length:

10 days, 1 refill

Prescription length:

5 days, 1 refill

Prescription length:

5 days, 1 refill


Apply to the affected area 3 times a day


Apply to the affected area 2 times a day


Apply to the affected area 2 times a day

Medication prices start at
Costco Wholesale logo
at Costco, with a drug discount card. (No Costco membership required)
Medication prices start at
Costco Wholesale logo
at Costco, with a drug discount card. (No Costco membership required)
Check your pharmacy for prices.

More Impetigo Prescription Treatments

Looking for a different medication? Here are some options.

Not sure which treatment may be best for you?

Complete a confidential virtual health assessment to learn more.

Start impetigo Consultation
Woman with freckles and hair in the bun touching her chin with her hand and beaming at camera

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Guided by medical expertise

“I love direct contact with patients—it’s why I chose dermatology! With ample time together, I can use my eyes and mind to diagnose their condition, like a sleuth!”

Dr. Alison Gruen
Dr. Alison Gruen, M.D.Dermatology Advisor

Impetigo Questions

About Impetigo

What is impetigo?

Impetigo is a mild but highly contagious skin infection that can appear as sores and blisters on the skin. It usually happens on the mouth and nose. But it can also appear on the arms, legs and other areas. The blisters and sores often rupture before scabbing and crusting over, creating itchy and honey-colored scabs.

What causes impetigo?
Researchers believe bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes cause impetigo. These are typically transmitted via close contact with an infected person or object (like bed linens or towels). Public areas like schools and gyms are common locations for contracting the bacteria.
Is impetigo the same as hand, foot and mouth disease?

It is not. Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is often caused by coxsackie viruses. Impetigo is caused by staph bacteria. Patients with HFMD may experience a fever, which is not a symptom of impetigo.

How long does impetigo last?

Symptoms usually get better in two to three weeks without treatment. Treatment can shorten the infection to seven to ten days and reduce the risk of spreading it to others.

It’s generally safe for adults to return to work or school after starting antibiotics as long as they avoid contact with others and keep sores covered. Young children can usually return to school or daycare 48 hours after starting topical antibiotics.

Eczema and cold sores vs. impetigo

Impetigo-like symptoms sometimes happen with skin conditions like eczema and cold sores. Weeping eczema causes blisters that leak clear or straw-colored fluid. Cold sores occur around the lips but are generally smaller than impetigo blisters. Call your doctor to find out which condition you have so that you can find the right treatment.

What are the treatments Dr. B offers for impetigo?

Dr. B offers antibiotic creams and topical bactericidals like Mupirocin, Centany, Retapamulin and Altabax. Some impetigo medicines kill off bacteria to stop growth. Others interrupt the diseased cell cycle to end the infection.

How is an impetigo treatment applied?

Apply a small amount of Mupirocin, Centany, Retapamulin or Altabax topical ointment to the skin once or several times a day. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist for specific instructions.

What are common treatment side effects?

Common treatment side effects include burning or stinging of the skin. These symptoms are typically mild and may lessen or go away over time. Talk to your provider if these symptoms continue or get worse.

How can I get an impetigo prescription online?

You can get a convenient prescription for impetigo treatments like Altabax or  Mupirocin ointment online through Dr. B's online medical service.

Take an online health assessment detailing your health history and symptoms. A board-certified medical provider will review your information. If they determine that an impetigo treatment is right for you, they'll send the prescription to the pharmacy of your choice. Dr. B offers several prescription treatments. Your medical provider can help you decide which is best for you.

How much does impetigo treatment cost?

Consultation: A virtual medical consultation for impetigo costs $15, which is lower than most doctor copays. Currently, we don’t submit medical consultation claims to insurance companies. But you can use insurance for any resulting prescription at your pharmacy.

Medication: Dr. B only charges for the medical consultation. When medications are prescribed, we let you choose the most affordable or convenient pharmacy to fill the prescription. Your medication prices will vary depending on your insurance coverage and whether the drug is a brand or generic.

Do you accept insurance?

Right now, we don’t submit medical consultation claims to health insurance companies. But you can use insurance for any resulting prescriptions at your pharmacy.

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